So the week of Christmas, the Frost family was hit with a stomach virus. All the plans I had of baking and playing with the kids went out the window. Instead, the boys and I spent several days on the couch hoping and praying it would end quickly. It did not. Needless to say, we've seen better Christmases. Thankfully, we did not have travel plans and were just able to take it easy.
Today we all felt much better and were able to play outside and enjoy our beautiful weather. I was the lucky recipient of a great new camera for my Christmas gift and couldn't wait to try it out with the boys. I have a lot to learn about using my camera and am looking forward to taking some classes to try and figure it out. Thank goodness I have no desires to become a professional photographer!
Here are some new pictures of my sweet kiddos.
Decorating for Spring? Try This Instead.
1 week ago