The first family to arrive were my parents. They stayed for 10 days and it was great to just have them here to visit. My mom helped me paint the guest bathroom, we took lots of walks with the kids and my dad and I went to a radio store he was interested in seeing. They were also here to help us celebrate Aidan's second birthday. The time passed so fast! Twice during that time we had Matt (my cousin Lori's husband) stay a night or two with us. He had just moved out here to the bay area and was still waiting for Lori to finish up her teaching job in Alabama. The boys loved having him here.
The next couple of weeks brought Caleb's last day of kindergarten, Aidan's first time at Mother's Day Out and Caleb losing his first two teeth. I had no sadness when Caleb started kindergarten. I was so excited for him and knew that he would love all of the new challenges. Caleb's finishing kindergarten was another story. His teacher, Mrs. Connelly was everything and more that we could have wanted for Caleb's first year of school. I'm not sure who was sadder to say good-bye, me or Caleb.
Shortly after my parents left, we made a trip to San Jose to welcome Lori to California and to see their new place. It is so great to have them within driving distance again. They are really close to our kids, and Chris and I love hanging out with them. We feel really lucky that God has sent them our way again.
Two weeks later, Chris' parents, (Nana & Papa to the kids) along with our niece Madeline came for a two week stay. We hadn't seen Madeline in over a year, so it was wonderful to see how she'd grown. Caleb loved having an older kid here to play with and Madeline was really sweet with Aidan. The kids spent lots of time playing games and playing on the Wii. They even talked their Papa into taking them to Universal Studios. Lori also came down and stayed a few days during this time because Matt was on a business trip. Papa volunteered to watch my boys so that we could have a "girl day" complete with pedicures and shopping. Such fun!
Last week, on the spur of the moment, I decided to go (by myself!) to stay with Lori and Matt for the weekend. I got in late Friday night, and we got up bright and early Saturday morning and took the train into San Francisco for the day. They had four other friends that joined us and it was such a great day! We saw Ghiradelli square (with free chocolate samples!), walked up some amazingly steep streets and steps to see Coit tower and then finished the day off with dinner at The Stinking Rose in little Italy (lots of garlic and SO delicious) and a ride on the cable car. I so enjoyed being with adults all weekend and wish Chris could have joined me. By Sunday after church, I was ready to get home to my boys! (And maybe next time I'll remember my camera.)
This week, Caleb has attended Camp Lacy at our local park (thanks, Mimi!). This has given him some fun time with friends from school and has allowed Aidan and me to have some one on one time together.
In one week we will pack up and head to Oklahoma. It's been just over a year since we've been "home" and we are all so excited to get there. We will get to see parents, grandparents, siblings and several aunts, uncles, cousins and old friends. We will return home to California with just one week left before Caleb starts first grade. I love the fall and look forward to all the new things it will bring.
This has been a whirlwind of a summer and I have loved every minute of it. And I was worried we'd be bored!